A musical instrument made from the cardboard tube of a paper towel roll. The player places the tube to their mouth and says "roo roo" repetedly. Can also be made from the center of wrapping paper rolls.
Whenever I come to the end of a roll of paper towels, the kids yell "I GET THE ROO ROO", and they drive me nuts.
by FatSlobBob October 6, 2008
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1.an extremly massive and huge person; one who is the size of 40 people; a fat ass

2. One who eats 24/7 while simultaneously being an annoying prick (I.E stealing, saying offhand remarks and telling lies about girls his ugly ass has supposedly slept with)
Holy shit! That Roo is fat as hell! There is a Roo eating all my food!
by Totzot January 11, 2011
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Doing but with a r
What are you rooing., you rooing that.
by Jaiden peirce December 1, 2019
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An absolutely legend who loves peen, has a peen, and appreciates the awesomeness of peen. A Roo is made of awesome and brings fun to MSN orgies in epic proportions.
...the definition speaks for itself really. If you don't have a Roo, then I'm gutted for you.
by Lanna-Pidge July 25, 2008
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A roommate of the opposite sex. Can be used to refer to both past or present roommates; once a roo, roos for life.
by roooo May 3, 2007
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