A $10 Hammer.purchaed from the local ace hardware. Use the $10 hammer to complete 8 hours of pounding while building a cabin. Once complete, take the hammer to your air b and b. Wash and dry the hammer in the on site washer and dryer. Insert Alaskan Tampon in you vagaina or mangina.
Bro we need to get back to the house. My Alaskan Tampon is starting to get too pounded.
by Alaskancreampi August 23, 2023
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When kicking in a door and kill everyone and everything then come out bloody and none of it is yours
I'm going in like a Marine Tampon. All geared up and coming out bloody but none of it is mine…
by Crazycox April 21, 2022
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a guy who fucked a girl on her period
i got a slightly used tampon he said
by assssshole January 22, 2018
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A log covered in used tampons and floppy dildos.
Man look at that tampon log
by kingmanthing November 15, 2016
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A joint that is rolled so poorly that it looks like a tampon
I was so high, I rolled a tampon joint
by I<3Asians+Timsjap July 27, 2015
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a cotton tube attached to a string (for an easy way to remove it) for preventing any leakage during a womans menstral period . When a tampon is inserted, it merely soaks up any fluid and stops it from coming outside of the body, creating that 'fish' smell.
Sarah: "Do you use tampons or pads?"

Danielle: "Tampons... I hate smelling fishy."
by R34LLYrayn May 10, 2012
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