A less cartoony baseball game than its Japanese counterpart for the Virtual Boy.
I’m no pussy. I want the Virtual League Baseball game for my one video game console, the Virtual Boy.
by I Will Shit Myself April 15, 2021
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"Playing for the aruban baseball team" is a metaphore for aruban dudes that like to fuck white girls. Can be used in order to hide the true topic of conversation. All aspects of baseball can be used to describe certain "bandido" stuff the aruban dude does with white girls. These girls are more often than not blond and dutch.
"Yo tyrone I know you broke up with your girl and all, but the aruban baseball team is glad to have their star player back man"

"Yo deshawn, how is your batting average against the dutch team?"

"Is it true that de'angelo hit a homerun against the dutch team last night?"

"Would you guys say the aruban baseball plays well together as a team or are they more individual players out in the field?"

"Lets go to a nightclub....i mean the stadium!. The dutch team is usually not paying attention, you can steal their bases easily"
by Ibmsmemes April 16, 2018
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''The aruban baseball team'' is used as a metaphore for aruban dudes fucking white, usually blond, girls. The phrase is typically used when trying to discuss ''bandido'' stuff aruban dudes have been doing with girls, without making it sound too obvious to people listening in or outsiders.
''Tyrone: yo I broke up with my girl man
Me: really? sucks....Welkom back to the Aruban Baseball team tho!''

''yo LaTrelle would you say the aruban baseball team works together as a team or would you say its more of every man for himself type of thing''

''Me: yo shaquille what team does the aruban baseball team play the best against?
Shaquille: I would say the dutch team. I always at least get to third base.''

''yo De'shawn, what would you say your batting average is against the dutch team?''

''Me: why does the aruban baseball team always ''win'' against the dutch team bro?''
Marcus: its simple, we cheat. We have bigger bats and we aggressively steal bases''

''Raheem goes out partying every night, he's a a future aruban baseball team hall of fame'er for sure!''
by Ibmsmemes April 20, 2018
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Getting jerked off on a populated school bus by a woman over 20 years older & ejaculating in your pants, leaving 40 different people absolutely disgusted.
That bud ride was absolute Mexican baseball, did you see the reaction that you got?
by May 5, 2022
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Hill Billy slang for some parts of Canada for “kickball”.
Person 1: Hey let’s go play some soccer baseball.
Person 2: Stfu and use real names.
by grape_36 June 8, 2023
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A house league midget team that can't play defence if their lives depended on it
"Took an easy W against Birchmount Baseball today"
by Jman4510fukyobitchhh July 19, 2017
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An interjection that is either used to express congratuation or confusion.
Example 1:
Hiko: I just got into this new university for smart people!
Example 2:
Hiko: Explain why there is a cat in the fridge?? It's only us.
by MissSaikou September 17, 2023