The small, hackysack in a toddlers sock appearance of a white trash woman’s tits accented with torpedo shaped or finger lengthed nipples. The possessor of such, frequently elects to skip a bra in lieu of a pit stained wife beater. This spectacular specimen can also be found enjoying a carton of cigarettes per day and will always have a smoke and lighter at the ready. While cheap Scotch and Slim Jims are a staple in their diet, dirty semen is frequently used as a substitute when the need for crack addiction exceeds self respect.
I was having a great time at the pride march until some white trash street hooker with smokers titties lit up a pall mall non-filter in my general vicinity, subsequently ashing all over my brand new adidas busenitz...
by Handsome Van September 26, 2017
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One who enjoys the pleasant hobby of using an e-cigarette (or personal vaporizer), as an alternative to smoking regular cigarettes. A non-obnoxious alternative to the classic 'vapist'!
'That girl vapes with such a chilled out cool about her... Not a care in the world! So glad she's a casual e-smoker rather than an annoying vapist... '
by Batman13 March 23, 2016
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A person, usually male, who routinely defeats and dominates their opponent to the point of embarrassment and humiliation.
Look at that guy walking away crying. He's obviously a victim of a fool smoker.
by Ole' Sid April 4, 2018
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A Rap/Punk music group from Wollongong, Australia. There dope check them out
Smokers corners show was a rager bro i was cooked, big night
by LongLiveLeo369 August 20, 2021
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A driveway that is covered in cigarette butts, making it evident that the current resident is indeed, a smoker.
John: Hey Dave, did you see the new neighbors?
Dave: Yeah, they have a bad case of Smoker's Driveway. Gonna run to the hardware store and buy a gas mask asap.
by koolmanrocks2000 July 28, 2013
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Smoker's Deal is a term used when you get an unbelievable bargain for something. Smoker's Deal is something that a crack head would offer you on a product/service at a super low rate.
"Hey man I'll sell you this 52' inch flat screen for 20 bucks!".... "Damn that's a smoker's deal right there!"
by KCHyphy November 7, 2008
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One who takes male members of unclean fashion into their mouths.
That guy doesn't like Harley's what a dirty pole smoker.
by HuntleyRules April 26, 2015
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