The principal that expertise on a certain subject can be gained through geographical proximity to it
Gov. of Alaska, Sarah Palin, is a proclaimed expert on foreign affairs with Russia due to Alaska`s proximity to Russia and can thus be called the "Sarah Palin Effect"
by Thejuicer September 6, 2008
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(n) A question that you should know the answer to but were to ignorant to find out for yourself
Let me ask you a Sara Palin Question, is France a country?
by AKAL September 12, 2011
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1.The act of quiting in midgame. Usually associated with cryptic, lame excuses designed to cover the real reason; they just cant cut it.

2. The behavior of a "non-hacker", quitter, wimp etc.

3. Walk away from a serious or solemn obligation obtained under false pretenses leaving your friends, associates and supporters in extremis.
Dave: Affter we had sex for a solid month, I saw she was getting serious, I was bailin like Palin and getting the hell out of there.
Bob: Nice.

Coworker: Your emails to that slut in your secretaries office were just made public. What are you going to do?
Boss: Bailin like Palin...see ya.

Football fan: When TO doesn't get the ball he's balin like Palin
by gfeet July 4, 2009
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A book, movie, conversation or idea so boring, it instantly puts you to sleep
Gal: Hey, can you escort me to my sewing class
Dude to self: I am in for a Sarah Palin Situation.
by Glass (Dr.J) December 7, 2009
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When fucking a girl, you rotate counter clockwise 180 degrees and scream in an Alaskan accent than go and run for vice president.
by JOHN MCCCAIIIN June 4, 2009
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The second ghost cup during beer pong.

Used during beer pong, this term describes a cup that has water or beer beneath it, which causes it to mysteriously slide when hit by a ball (See ghost cup). Because the cup usually diverges from the original formation, it becomes a maverick cup, thus becoming a John McCain cup due to the fact that McCain is the original Maverick. A second cup that goes rogue is called a Sarah Palin cup.
There's so much beer on the table that every time I shoot, I end up with a John McCain cup or even a Sarah Palin cup too!
by Murky Waters September 6, 2008
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