Ridin' through Old Jamestown in North County Saint Louis, usually smoking marijuana. Many of the young locals participate in this activity, a pastime of NoCo.
"Yo, dude! Dealer just came through, let's go cruise OJ!"
by The HenceSP September 19, 2017
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A place toothless women went…if there husbands allowed.
Hey let’s go to the cruising the plaza and get some gummies.
by Bilhill July 22, 2023
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A place toothless women went…if there husbands allowed.
Hey Joe let’s go cruising the plaza and get some gummies.
by Bilhill July 22, 2023
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They're awesome and active people. They like to be adventurous and is good at many things. They are talented and make friends easily. They are good with ladies and they have a big penis.
by Randomperson2008 October 18, 2020
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The act of travelling around the world to see places you've never been before and make memories. Especially when you walk around a town and get lost on purpose to see the roads and life as a local.
Lets go cruise Vienna this weekend.
by Jetsetter22 October 4, 2022
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My girl was trying to get me off last night but I cruised her.
I cruise so I last longer.
by shmaxta May 30, 2016
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Aimlessly wandering the streets with the hope of picking up a male for anonymous gay sex
Guy 1: Thomas went on a cruise until 3am last night.
Guy 2: He must’ve really wanted some dick
by Naruutoe September 11, 2022
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