Down in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania there isn’t much to do, besides the nightly car meets at 2 am in the Walmart parkinglot, roller skating and smoking meth, but accidentally getting fentanyl instead.
Chambersburg Activities include, Roller skating and smoking fake meth.
by Cburgstoner February 17, 2023
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When you have a group of humanoids more active (online) than the other group of humanoids.
"My gaming humanoid Military Simulator team is more activer, than your gaming humanoid Military Simulator team."
by Micall Winters August 11, 2021
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Used on videos, images, or on people that are cringe, sus, dumb, ugly, mentally disabled, furries.
Friend: Yo, look at that furry.

Me: bro was definitely born from the left nut.

Friend: that's some left nut activity!
by Glizzygang420 January 22, 2023
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Noun / The hobby of absolutely violating enemy players as Yoru in the Riot Games Game "Valorant"
"That was absolute fucking ghoul activity"

"Yeah that guy just fucking annihilated you with his shorty"
by Day 69 Off Perc July 19, 2022
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Orange marmalade activity is when your friend or someone you know is acting in a way that is homosexual or suspect
You bro you remember my night night bed time robe?

Man you on some orange marmalade activity
by Draymond Green April 24, 2023
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When you've been ghosted and they try to reconnect only to ghost you again.
"Weren't you talking to that one guy again?" Yeah, we were but then he went all paranormal activity on me.
by ZombieMedic824 June 17, 2021
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It is a kind of extremely performative activism that is exclusive to Egypt's upper class. It is a kind of activism/politics that is mainly characterized by being:
-exclusively communicated in either English or franco when most Egyptians only speak Arabic,
-political ideals and demands that are completely disconnected from the cultural and political contexts of Egypt,
-political ideals and demands that are actually just straight up deranged,
-very shallow and ambiguous ideals and demands,
-happens to be almost always photocopied from Western twitter without even so much of an attempt to rediscover a more appropriate approach for the context they exist in,
-has no idea how to solve a problem, isn't even trying to solve a problem, just wants to be a "part of something bigger",
-desperate attempts to turn every single inconvenience into a social or political issue,
-usually practiced by very young people.
"shoft by2olak 3awzen non-binary genders fel ID w homa mesh 3arfen yemsho fel share3 men gher ta7arosh lol"
"ah dah tagamo3 activism fokak"
by antitagamo3activist July 10, 2020
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