When a person throws a dirty diaper out of their high story section 8 apartment building and the diaper gets caught in a tree.
I walked through Harlem the other day and saw three diaper trees.
by Tsk915 June 24, 2018
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Diapers tossed out the windows of cars by traveling families too lazy or too redneck to toss it into a proper waste bin once they've stopped. Eventually, the stinky wad lands into the ditch to keep the roadkill company.
I got run off into the ditch and fell headlong into what must've been a ditch diaper. I thought I'd never get the stink off me.
by Diggitydo January 5, 2021
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When you change a poop diaper and leave it in your car to stew and royally stink up your enclosed car.
Honey, did you leave a Crock-Pot Diaper in the car all day in this heat?
by rsablue September 18, 2021
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The object of desire to a male with a fetish for elderly women.
Dale entered the nursing home, boquet in hand in search of some fine diaper taco.
by Mebegebo August 30, 2012
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what my high ass called a box of tissues
p1. hand me that
p2. what?

p1. the- the uh- the toilet diapers
both. hysterical laughing
by pissbabey August 27, 2021
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The low man on the totem pole. The person, who because of their status or ineptitude, is accustomed to taking other people's shit and being routinely pissed on.
Boss man: "Hey everyone, let me introduce you to the new community diaper, Tom! He' s gonna be filling in for Sarah while she's away for the next few months, so feel free to shit on him just like you would her!"

Tom: "hi, I'm Tom.........."
by SaltineWizard December 3, 2015
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A conservative who publicly humiliates themself in the name of owning the libs.
“Who is that girl wearing a diaper at the Turning Point, USA tent over there?”

“Oh that’s Kaitlynn Benet, she’s a full-diaper conservative.”

“Didn’t she shit herself at a Kent State frat party?”
by JebShallRiseAgain November 1, 2020
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