going on a quick little bike ride with your pals for fun
hey man, fancy a cheeky spin?
hell yeah man, lemme grab my cap!
by MrBigSwag October 18, 2023
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When a girl cuts a hole into an onion, proceeds to blindfold you and sucks your dick with said holed onion
Bro, this girl named Aine sucked my dick with an onion!! She called it a Cheeky Onion, and I'm so fucking confused why she did it!
by WeirdO_o April 5, 2018
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The act of pressing a mans nipples against cold glass until they are protruding the putting on a deep v and walking around pretending that they are a woman.
Awesome guy 1: hey checkout that chick in the deep v. Awesome guy 2: eww fuck do u not realise thats jacob doing a cheeky pointy
by nip paul June 4, 2014
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When youe girlfriend moos like a cow while you stick you're balls in her asshole
Man, I did the cheeky Wagyu with Wendy last night.
by funkstilleroo September 29, 2023
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A Half Measure Of Street Product Or A Half Measure In Cookery
Eazey What Yah After Mate ? ,,, R A Cheeky Arther Fowler Please ...
by The V ONE 2nd To None April 27, 2020
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