ad-ven-cher kat-fish

1) a person who falsely claims to enjoy hiking, traveling, etc. and does not reveal disdain for adventure until the opportunity is presented

Verb (used without object), Adventure Catfishing, Adventure Catfished
1) to falsely claim to enjoy hiking, traveling, etc. and does not reveal disdain for adventure until the opportunity is presented
2) to mislead an adventurer into believing one’s own enthusiasm for participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises.
(Name) said she wanted to go kayaking, so I brought my kayak, only to find out she’s an adventure catfish.
by Ley 10 May 16, 2021
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"Girl, I had the most sexcellent adventure last night with Bill and Ted!"
by Lola Mola September 26, 2015
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"Girl, I had the most sexcellent adventure last night with Bill and Ted!"
by Lola Mola September 26, 2015
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Part 1: Buff magic sunlight people try to kill a gay vampire
Part 2: Buff magic sunlight people try to kill gay vampires
Part 3: Buff men with punchy ghosts try to kill a gay vampire
Part 4: People with punchy ghosts try to kill a man with a hand fetish
Part 5: People with punchy ghosts try to kill a trap
Part 6: People with punchy ghosts try to kill a black priest
Part 7: Paralyzed man with punchy ghosts tries to win a horse race
Part 8: c o n f u s i o n
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one of the most confusing shonen anime of all time.
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Part 1: Buff magic sunlight people try to kill a gay vampire
Part 2: Buff magic sunlight people try to kill gay vampires
Part 3: Buff men with punchy ghosts try to kill a gay vampire
Part 4: People with punchy ghosts try to kill a man with a hand fetish
Part 5: People with punchy ghosts try to kill a trap
Part 6: People with punchy ghosts try to kill a black priest
Part 7: Paralyzed man with punchy ghosts tries to win a horse race
Part 8: Confused Sailor and girlfriend fight a Rock with punchy ghosts
Part 9: Drug Dealer and his Trans sibling get rich with weird (so far non punchy) ghosts also Rohan is back
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is great but only people who like it are gay or people who wanna be buff as fuck
by ZMTUCKER April 5, 2023
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you goofy ahh just watch the show and if you cant Quandale Dingle will hunt you down and call you goofy ahh until you die
person 1:I love Jojo's bizarre adventure
person 2: you a goofy ahh person
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A Homo-Erotic Shonin manga and Anime about big hairy buff men using Sunlight magic and Ghosts with strangely specific powers to kill a Vampires, Vampires that live in pillars, incel murderers with hand fetishes, Mafia Bosses, gay Priests who fuck vampires, the immortal President of the United states of america, the Yakuza, and another mafia boss.
every protag.'s name HAS to start with the sound "Jo" or "Juh", and every villains ghost has to affect time in some way.
the series is seperated into "Parts" which chronologically lead into the next, starting in the late 1880's and ending in its 6th part which takes place in 2011. after its 6th part, it was rebooted.
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