During drunken intercourse one ejaculates on there partner's face and proceeds to rub it in with post-it notes containing Bill Cosby quotes.
mom-"give me a sticky cosby before you go to school"
son-"that sounds like a plan mom!"
by TouchedByaCosby November 15, 2016
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To stop someone from being cosbied
Some random at the party last tried to cosby Jill, but I poured her GHB infested drink out. Totally cosby blocked him.
by Gina magic February 26, 2016
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when a female jams rocks into a mans asshole and jerks him to completion then shits the rocks on her chest.
girl last night i gave my man the best rock cosby ever!
by bruhbruhddam August 22, 2017
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Although she looks like god damn (tomato), Laine Cosby is an (emotionless ginger) who is incapable of using her brain.

Fun fact: Laine Cosby is a close relative to Bill..
Person #1: You just pulled a Laine Cosby!
Person #2: Ok BOOMER
by cool cat who loves ben dover December 3, 2019
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The steamy mixture that ejects from the penis after marinating it in a bowl of Jell-O
1."Let's watch Bill Cosby"
"Naw let's make Cosby Jell-O"

2. A girl at a bar asks you to buy her a drink. In response, "how about a Cosby Jell-O? Bitches love Cosby Jell-O."
by Cosby Sweater June 30, 2013
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While having a joint between your lips insert 4 fingers in the stink and the thumb in the pink.
Carol thought she was just in for a smoke session until Gerald gave her the old Jay Cosby.
by CJ Monkey March 5, 2022
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(v) To roofie someone, take them back to a motel, and rape them.
Bro do you want to go Cosby that girl?
by ChadThundercock123 October 14, 2018
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