A bozo is someone that is stupid or sometimes “retarded”. It also could be used to call someone gay.
“Why would you do that bozo” non gay meaning
“you are giving bozo” gay meaning
by sir.jjp January 9, 2022
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A person, who is particularly annoying or anything that can be perceived in a negative fashion. Such as being boring or having a bad smell.
by CobustulusA May 8, 2018
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A beautiful, nice, and wonderful person that contributes to a large amount of happiness in your life.
Wow, hannah is such a bozo.
by GoofySillyFunny132 May 28, 2022
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a dumb person
a weird person that you don't like
boy you a bozo
by skytionobilisom March 5, 2022
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A kid who can't score on you, gaurd you, and gets highlighted on by Mohsin Khaleel in Basketball. His name usually starts with a Y and ends with an S but it may varie.
Yunus is a Bozo.
by Uuushab December 18, 2021
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