Something the creators of made that targets older kids (by older, I mean 8-13)
"Bruh I'm over 13 and I don't have kids stop showing me Adventure Academy ads"
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 6, 2022
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Adventures with fiona is when fiona gets lost a lot and finds things
person 1: “adventures with Fiona is great”
person 2: “she gets lost a lot
by @usagispersonalmaid November 23, 2021
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A mini series of videos about a streamer named Loloreena playing Bloodborne for the first time made by nandi_hun
yeah dude, did you saw the last episode of Pepega adventures?
by nandihun July 12, 2019
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Cool game on game boy color that was ruined by hollyleaf
Sonic adventure 7 Is the best game👻
by Smm2lover29383837454363 October 29, 2023
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A nick-name for a blunt coined by Artifacts in their song Lower Da Boom. Called so for the approximate length of a blunt
Sit back and light the five inch adventure
by yannidepp December 5, 2009
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The best anime ever created by mankind

(a inside joke meme anime made by me)
- whats your favorite anime?
+ its gumballs bizarre adventure
- Please marry me
by ahatintimeprosu March 13, 2022
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ad-ven-cher kat-fish

1) a person who falsely claims to enjoy hiking, traveling, etc. and does not reveal disdain for adventure until the opportunity is presented

Verb (used without object), Adventure Catfishing, Adventure Catfished
1) to falsely claim to enjoy hiking, traveling, etc. and does not reveal disdain for adventure until the opportunity is presented
2) to mislead an adventurer into believing one’s own enthusiasm for participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises.
(Name) said she wanted to go kayaking, so I brought my kayak, only to find out she’s an adventure catfish.
by Ley 10 May 16, 2021
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