The superhero from DC comics that can shrink. In the Arrowverse The Atom is Ray Palmer. Ray is played by Brandon Routh. Brandon Routh played Superman in Superman Returns.
by Chippypowers May 5, 2021
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When a woman is riding your face, and shits in your eyes
My girl was enjoying it so much and ended up giving me miss atomic bomb
by Jammer696 December 29, 2022
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When a woman is giving a man a blow-job and he pulls the blanket over her head before farting. Not to be confused with the Dutch Oven
"I gave Emily the raunchiest Atomic Parachute last night, dude."
by Bowen2Win August 6, 2017
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Variation of century club A shot of beer every minute with every tenth shot being hard alcohol.
Collin: Do you want to do Century Club when I come back down?
Bobby: No! I am trying to make the puke chart.

Collin: What is worse?
Bobby: Atomic Century Club
by I_LAA_BEER November 27, 2011
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The take a sh*t from the top of a stall and attempt to hit the toliet.
Guy 1- Yo I just took a missive Atomic Bomb in that bathroom and missed the toliet and shit all over the floor
by DaddyLongCock69 May 14, 2018
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In divorce law the Atom Bomb is a strategy used by women against their husbands. The wife claims the husband molested their children and the woman ends up winning the custody case. It is 99% effective even without evidence.
That bitch used the Atom Bomb and ruined this good man's life despite him being innocent.
by @mrkulci September 12, 2020
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