Anything and everything; including, but not limited to, "chunky anus".
by CrazyUrbDicDawg April 18, 2021
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Chungus is a chubby chungi who liked chubby chungus dick :)
Hey Adam do you wanna do a chungus

Hey Sam what’s a chungus

Hey Adam chungus is sucking my dick :)
by Big panini :) March 28, 2019
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Chungus is meant to mean a "chunky anus", but due to the recent meme "Big Chungus" it's more appropiate to define it as "a tall and fat person/animal that has the form of a bowling pin".
- Hey man, that man is CHUNGUS!!!
- U rite, dude! He's hella thicc.
by RadPat December 23, 2018
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A chungus is a person who looks and smells like a mushroom, they are porn addicts and they are not taller than 5’7.
Madhu: Have you seen that smelly girl that just walked by us?

Diana: yeah shes definitely a chungus

Madhu: definitely.
by mimidiiiii October 1, 2021
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To be or to act in a way that is chungus. Similar to being a goober or a silly goose. Having a strangeness about oneself that one is not fully aware of. Often described using chung rating that can be based on a number of unique chung factors.
“Ryan just high fived the random woman on the trail again, what a chungus.”
“Fayers definitely has that British chung
by swagboy24 September 30, 2022
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Chungus is a perfect, juicy butt so round and delectable that you want to eat it and squeeze it. The plural of this word is chungus is Chungi.
by 'dream chungi' cousin group April 13, 2021
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When something is the absolute best. Nothing can compare.
I found $20 on the ground, that’s the chungus.
by Babycakes699 October 15, 2021
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