A swift and brutal blow to ones relationship on the bus driven by only anger found deep deep down in ones inner demons. One is taken from there lover and repurposed never to hold or kiss again. This can sometimes cause a man to take action into their own hands but only to be further punished by the Big Mitch.
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hypocritical, wishy-washy, feeble

The term Murky Mitch is a reference to Republican Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. who as Senate Minority Leader of the 117th Congress voted to acquit former United States President Donald J. Trump during his second impeachment trial. The former president was alleged to have incited an insurrection on Capitol Hill on January 6th 2021.

Donald Trump was impeached while in office as the 45th president on January 13th 2021 for the above allegation. Mr. McConnell delayed the Senate impeachment trial for two weeks in order to give Donald Trump's legal team time to prepare. This placed the start of the trial at a time after Mr. Trump's term would have officially ended. The constitutionality of impeaching a former president was contested at the start of the trial, and the Senate voted that the trial was in fact constitutional.

After voting to acquit Mr. McConnell proceeded to proclaim that the reason for his vote was because Mr. Trump was no longer in office and thus could not be impeached. This stance in effect allowed for the evidence brought forth by the prosecution to be completely disregarded regardless of the prior Senate decision that the trial was constitutional.

During Trump's presidency Mitch barely said much about any of the president's conduct. However, during the trial's closing statements he issued scathing remarks about Trump's actions all throughout his term. So to call someone Murky Mitch is in effect calling them a hypocrite.
- Person 1: We need to send immigrants back to their original country!"
- person 2: But isn't your wife from Slovenia? Should we send her back?"
- Person 1: "..."
- Person 2: Murky Mitch"
by jasonbrazen April 1, 2021
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Uncle Mitch is one of those super cool uncles, who won’t get you in trouble for anything. But he stinks like poop and looks like a ninja turtle crawled up a nun’s butthole. Although he reeks of old man armpits, he’s still pretty cool.
I’m seeing Uncle Mitch tonight.
by Jmurr227 December 8, 2022
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Telling your buddies you're coming to hang out then disappear for the rest of the night. If you are the "Mitch of the evening" (often synonymous with bitch of the evening) then you will most likely respond some time in the next 12 hours.
"Did he answer his phone?"
"No I think he's pulling a "Mitch" again"
"Damn that little slut"
by Demockej January 16, 2018
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A photo that is used to call out another over the internet. Usually in a board on forums, this type of photo is nothing extravagant, but is instead a pose of quiet challenging. This type of photo brings legions of followers in these internet wars.
Let's all do the MITCH POSE!!!!!
by Leon Natsume December 25, 2007
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