A girl who has a rash on her face. And knows it.
"She's just a rash girl and she knows it"

(tO tHe TuNe Of DrAkE - HoLd On WeRe GoInG hOmE)
by Super Turf October 24, 2013
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a boy that gets a rash from too much male dick in their ear
man i have a really bad scale rash from a couple nights ago
by just gotta September 6, 2017
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why do you have a neck rash?

oh. I was wearing fake ass jewelry
by original handle November 1, 2017
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The most beautiful person you will ever come across. Stunning black hair, cute face, just adorable in general. She's super smart and will instantly make you smile. You're lucky to catch a glimpse of her and godlike to catch her looking at you. Good luck in asking her out, because you will need it!
Me: *nervous* Rashe, how was your day?

Rashe: It was great! How was yours?

Me: *happiness beyond compare*
by MikeDaKing November 23, 2021
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(a) Friction burn from sliding or rubbing against an abrasive material, particularly carpet or rug.

A similar term, 'road rash', is used for similar burns stemming from sliding against asphalt, eg. crashing a motorcycle or falling off a bike at speed.
Despite the soft carpet dampening Johnny's fall, he still got some nasty rug rash from that fall.
by Ldub0775 September 30, 2023
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Hangar rash is the rash you get when you have intercourse with a certain scenario of conditions on the female body.
If a woman shaves and happens to have a meaty vagina. Think burger time, yum lol
If you have intercourse it can happen that the penis is rubbed raw by the hair stubble around the vagina if the skin happens to turn in on itself.
That women I slept with last night gave me hangar rash.
by Norgan July 27, 2022
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Toilet Rash: When a person, usually in shorts or a skirt, exits the restroom with visible imprints of the toilet on their legs and/or cheeks.
Her toilet rash made it obvious she had spent a great deal of time in the restroom.
by Lenyo July 10, 2014
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