Someone who stills lives in a human behavior dorm room their mother comes to visit every weekend, and always will. Someone that doesn't realize not everybody is a human behavior student or a human behavior teacher in a human behavior lecture hall.
Some people dropped out of human behavior school a long time ago, and they told the human behavior student and the human behavior teacher both to kiss their ass!
by Solid Mantis March 24, 2021
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Petrie's the Dutch Student, learning the ropes of the atomic age, a fresh face in a world of giants.
Example of how it's used in a sentence:

Person 1: Who's that Dutch Student in Oppenheimer?

Person 2: Petrie Willink as Dutch Student in Oppenheimer, fresh on the atomic scene dude!
by courtofowls September 5, 2023
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a day in which boarding students are turned into strudel
person a (day student): oh wow, will you look at that, it's boarding student strudel day!
person b (boarding student): *panics* *runs away*
by Asteria_Black October 12, 2021
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When the hallways are clogged like a fat man's arteries and nobody will get the fuck out of your way, so you hold a binder or backpack out in front of you and plow through everyone. Sometimes you don't need a binder or backpack, just your own pissed off self.
Friend: How did you get to class so early? Those dipshits are always standing around in the halls like herds of sheep.
Me: I just did a little student bowling.
Friend: Awesome.
by Blitzqueen August 20, 2014
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A security alram which is going-off in a student house, because the occupents have gone away for the weekend/vacation/summer and forgot to supply enough credit for electricity. When the credit runs out the alarm sounds intensly for days until the reserve battery power fails.

These students are a sub-set of alarmer
What's the blasted tone that's been going on for days?

Man, that's the student siren. Those kids have gone away without topping up the leccy.
by Garry Ladd July 11, 2005
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When someone goes and spends the night at a club and becomes special and creates a fucked up new car ‘design’ with colourful shapes and designs; such as his own marshmallow yes the singer
Boy 1: yo have you see the artcar student yet
Boy 2: yes but he looks special
by Georginalowe308 June 2, 2022
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