sampling where you get one participant to get others similar to them. Such as getting a skateboarder to get his skateboarder friends. Show me more people like you!
Lets find all the alcoholics in this city using snowball sampling
by SK8R-H8R December 10, 2017
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A take on the common sex act of Swedish meatballs with the addition of once the balls are licked clean of cum you spit it into the other person's mouth.
Tom was Swedish meatballing Joe and then Joe Swedish snowballed Tom's cum back to him.
by Realdefs86 March 2, 2016
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A cup filled with hard boiled eggs that are eaten whilst playing Rollerblade Racer on an NES
Hey Jean, pass the cup of "indoor snowballs" I'm hungry
by Throw your Shoe March 8, 2014
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When you and your partner rub semen on your noses before Eskimo Kissing (Rubbing noses together).
Man: I have some cum on my nose from the Boxed Lunch !

*Eskimo Kisses Girl*
Girl: Eskimo Snowballing is so much better with you dad!
by LexLucifer December 2, 2017
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N. A particularly hardy pair of cojones which are capable of enduring great pain; usually found on Eskimos
guy 1 "Dude... they've been trying for half an hour to sac that guy..."
guy 2 "Don't you know he's Eskimo?"
guy 1 "He's got a pair of Abominable Snowballs then!"
guy 2 "Why abominable?'
guy 1 "Because Abominables bounce!"
guy 1 "........"
by eskimobrand June 2, 2011
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Snowball/Snuffles was the dog of Morty in series 1 episode 2 of Rick and Morty,

Jerry gets frustrated at him once he pees on the rug, so he blackmails Rick into making him a machine that increases Snuffle/Snowball's intelligence, he eventually gains control of the household while Rick and Morty are venturing, and Rick tricks him so he and his dog friends enter a world populated only by dogs.
Snowball/Snuffles is a white animated dog who exists only inside Rik and Morty.

"Where are my testicles Summer?"
Snowball/Snuffles was an animated dog in season 1 episode 2 of Rick and Morty.
by Tom Baker12345 October 23, 2017
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