Person with the name mae is a very emotional person who will cry at almost anything
Mae is short
by Yournanas favourite October 18, 2022
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Mae is good and evil. Yin and Yang. One moment cute and bashful, the next ruthless and despicable. Another funny and friendly, the next.... oh what am I saying. She's the apitamy of evil. If she was in a room with Hitler, Ganondorf, Vlad the Impaler, and Satan you might wanna kill her so she doesn't have the chance to stab you in the back, drag you down to the creek, and defile your body before letting it float away. Protect yourself, never trust a Mae.
My Uncle dated a Mae once. We never saw him again.
by ActualCannibalShiaLabouf September 27, 2021
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Mae is the most beautiful person on the planet. She is so beautiful, people even propose to her in community places. She was a player at one point but found a really nice guy and she will stay with him forever. Don't underestimate a Mae. She is up to a challenge if you ask her. If you are rude to her, you will eventually regret it.
Dude 1: Have you seen Mae??
Dude 2: Yeah I have. She is so hot
Dude 1: Too bad she has a bf. He must be really lucky to be dating Mae
by ominous person lol November 11, 2021
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by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz545 October 23, 2019
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Kendyl Mae Brown is a incredible girl.She is most likely a hufflepuff and is obsessed with this one person.She loves to FaceTime her friends and when she’s on FaceTime with them she’s crazy.She acts calm in front of new people though. She lives to fidget with things but doesn’t have a lot of fidgets. She crys A LOT and sometimes it’s for no reason. In conclusion shes a really good friend and just a incredible person.
Her crush-Oh there’s Kendyl Mae Brown
Her friend-yeah she talks about you a lot when we’re on FaceTime she also cry’s about you a lot but then I make her feel better by reminding her she’s in the same house as Cedric diggory
Her crush-wow...
by RememberDONTUSEYOURREALNAME January 11, 2021
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Mae is so so peng. She is clever and comes from a rich family. She has one sister that she loves. Mae is sensible but she makes risks. Mae is the greatest kisser ever.
Mae Vas-Fetigan Is a fit ting
by THAT GUY JENKINS November 3, 2019
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