Dude where you shit on a moe and smear it in with your ass
faggets get this alot, you wash it out by pissing on the shit and wiping it with your ass
by MINGER March 12, 2005
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When a man ejaculates in a woman’s hair while she’s sleeping. When she wakes up, her hair resembles a bird’s nest.
She passed out and Ben jerked off in her hair and gave her a bird’s nest !
by Big Ole Deborah May 7, 2021
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A fucking pest. Also known as a BN.
He’s a right bird’s nest.

You’re such a bird’s nest!

There’s a load of BNs out today isn’t there?
by Mickymcdonnell August 4, 2022
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Depressed and loneliness driven act where one buys new bedding and creates an impenetrable comfort zone in which to relinquish and surrender to the battle.
The fuck outta my death nest, interloper!
by Mciver83 March 31, 2021
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(from the title of Episode 11, season 1 of the game Criminal Case onFacebook): a gang's headquarters/hideout.
The Montreal Mafia's Viper's Nest is The Costansa Social club, in St Leonard, the Italian neighborhood of Montreal, Canada (called Santa Leonardi di Montreale in Italian by the Italian community)
by Sexydimma December 19, 2016
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a gang\s/criminal organization's headquarters or hideout
the Viper's Nest for the Italian Mafia in Montreal Canada is the Costanza social club in the St Leonard neighborhood of the city
by Sexydimma December 21, 2016
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the Viper's Nest for the Italian mob in Montreal Canada is the Costanza social club in the St Leonard neighborhood
by Sexydimma December 20, 2016
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