when you are good on easter and your wife/girlfriend rewards you with nasty sex; a hairy vagina
Jim:is my girlfriend hot

Tom:does she have a fluffy rabbit?

Jim: whats that??

Tom: a hairy pussy

Jim: well, no

Tom:well even though i have no idea who in the fuck you are talking about, no, she is not.
by u-r-all-dipshitz May 14, 2011
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Someone who appears to be bout it and will buck on anyone who looks at them sideways (even they momma) but in reality, they are sensitive and scared of any and everything.
G-mel stay hustling and busting heads in the street but when he go to sleep at night, he always has his teddy bear. He ain't nothing but a fluffy gangsta.
by Mc Meanass July 22, 2021
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Used when the woman during anal secretes a semi/fluid excrement while the male is humping her, the fluid starts bubbling as a result.
"Damn bro, I fucked her and I didn't even realize I gave her fluffy germs"
by bababoeey August 1, 2021
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The phrase used to define a lady's anus when doing anal intercourse when she shat liquid poo while the man kept thrusting into it, thus forming Fluffy Germs
by bababoeey August 5, 2021
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An adjective used to describe something cute or loveable.
Hello Kitty is fluffiful.
by Sam December 24, 2003
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a word that describes the aura of someone who brings nothing but joy and happiness to your life. often, they are one of the sweetest people you have come across and also tend to have an amazing sense of humour. if you are described as having fluffy bunny spirits it is an absolute honour and you should cherish that compliment.
Man, gotta love that kid. They just have the fluffy bunny spirits that bless everyone they meet
by bored_loser_online July 27, 2018
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