-A sex act typically performed by three sexual deviants whereby two morons hollow out a Kansas City strip steak and dock their wankers together while the third begins to eat the steak.
-A Minnesota Mammoth Cave combined with a shrimpboat yields an Indiana Dick Lick.
-If a Minnesota Mammoth Cave is combined with 2 Kennebunkport Surprises you have an Alabama Hot Pocket, or for international purposes, a Nova Scotian Reverse Sausage Docking Port. (Illegal in 49 states, except Alabama, where it is a family tradition).
-A Minnesota Mammoth Cave is the leading cause of chronic dick jasmine.
Did you see that red neck, hillbilly, and Canadian doing a Minnesota Mammoth Cave? They are definately getting dick jasmine!
by FrostedTips918 February 17, 2019
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A guy who lives in the state of Minnesota and is well known for being a complete troll
Person 1: Yo you seen what Hamza posted on his story?

Person 2: No what was it

Person 3: Him trolling around the metro area he's such a Mr Minnesota
by Mr Minnesota April 18, 2023
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Getting a blowjob in an ice fishing hut on a frozen lake
1: Hey did you hear what happened to steve last night?
2: No what?
1: He got a Minnesota brain freeze from sally in a fishing hut last night.
by November 18, 2020
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When your car gets sprayed from snow from another vehicle not properly cleaned
I was driving down the interstate when I got a Minnesota Car Wash.
by Supwititdoe February 3, 2022
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When, as a prank, someones shoes are pooped in, thereby causing them to step in said poo when the shoes are put on. Typically done in the north country of Minnesota during a camping trip when said persons shoes happen to be moccasins left outside their tent overnight.
John was displeased when he realized that warm squishy sensation between his toes were in fact a fresh pair of minnesota moccasins.
by poopiedoopie56 October 17, 2011
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Getting your Urethra filled in with fresh snow and then getting your penis stomped on by steel-toed boots.
Bon Jovi got the old Minnesota Stomp Cock treatment for being late to lineups.
by Ryan9877654 March 31, 2021
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The act of ejaculating on your partner outside in the middle of winter.
It was getting hot and heavy so we we went outside and I gave her a Minnesota Snow Storm.
by Daneomania March 4, 2022
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