The type of person who hates the massive multiplayer game "runescape" for no apparent reason commonly stating that the players have no lives.

It is common to expect a runescape hater in a forum to jump in a topic that lightly mentions it and reply saying the game is gay in most cases.

They are quite similar to anime haters.
"Runescape haters need to learn how to forget it even exists."

"Sure the community can be horrible at times, but it's no reason to go all "LOLZ ITS GHEY" like a runescape hater all the time"
by RandomMarine July 8, 2006
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the 2 most addictive games on earth that will turn you into a poor ass game nerd if you keep on playing
by markr94 February 24, 2008
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a person who plays runescape too much and all they do is play until 2 in the moring, and dont eat cause their to bussy playing, and dont have any freinds cause theier always playing,
Omar: dang man quit runescape u nerd
Wesam: iam not a nerd ur a nerd go quit myspace
Omar:Runescape nerd
Wesam:myspace nerd
Omar:myspace isnt a game
Wesam:so its still nerd
Omar: go train or somthing u nerd
Wesam: stfu u newb, i pwn u anytime,
Omar: hell Naww bruhh, ill bust yo face up
Wesam:give me my freid chicken back
by Omar Elk July 31, 2008
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When a person who plays runescape shakes his ass, on the penis of another person, using the emote snowman dance.
Dang thats a nice Runescape booty.
by cogkilla March 26, 2008
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Runegang6 is a wanker.
Runegang6 is the biggest runescape wanker.
by froodlenutskie September 10, 2006
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One who is hopelessly addicted to the massive online game, Runescape. "Filthy Runescapers" usually resemble a chubby, nerdy-looking boy. But beware, sometimes these super-nerds can appear in female form too. These "people" usually come to school ranting and raving with their nerdy friends on how they finally completed the "Trolls of Faramont" quest on Runescape the other night. Beware! If they get too close they may give you their Runename so you can chat with them, or even worse, invite you to play with them.
An unfourtunate encounter with a Filty Runescaper
Filthy Runescaper: Hey, you! Guess what?
You: You're a Filthy Runescaper, why would I care?
Filthy Runescaper: Because all of Valador trembles at the very sight of my dragon-skinned sword and Mithril long-range elf bow!
by gerard ways princess March 16, 2007
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