A small container for holding a controlled substance for distribution
Chad handed Sylvia a plastoc bag containing several jugs of cocaine.
by Ma'sha April 22, 2019
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jug is a word that can be used in any form, verb, adjective.. anything. its also a boob. maybe even a fat person.
What the jug?!
Come on, we should go jug.
This effing jug won't jugging stop jugging calling me, whatta jug.
by verydumbjug February 22, 2011
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What people in South Tampa call their homies.
Yo, what’s up jug!” “Jug, how the fuck you been”
by Gradygang June 11, 2018
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A jug is somone who doesn't know shit and try's to act like they know shit. But really they just a fucking jug because they don't know shit.
Look at they nigga David.. he's such a jug.
by Dogshitlick April 19, 2017
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Usually used when someone is lying or just joking around.
"Can i borrow a dollar ?"

"Yeah sure, JUG!"
by Tylerdee June 10, 2009
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to jug something means to finesse or steal it
“damn bro reagan really jugged those candy bars from the gas station”
by undercooked_noodles December 24, 2019
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