Well, to simply put it, our logic is just, logical (can’t say that about republican logic) We develop our logic by researching major social issues, understanding them, and finding a solution that not only benefits the government, but also the people as well. Republican logic goes something like “the bible and jesus said so so that’s the best solution.” We tackle and combat social issues, rather then going off a book of fairytales (also can’t be said about republican logic) any questions?
Democrat logic
by aqxa on yt April 11, 2022
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Republicans who have started voting for Moderate to Conservative Democrats after the GOP became the party of Donald Trump. Red Dog Democrats are similar to a Blue Dog Democrat. They are symbolised by Clifford the Big Red Dog.
"What's the difference between Red Dog Democrats or Liberal Republicans?"
"Red Dogs voted for McCain, and Liberal Republicans voted for Obama"
by George's_Bush March 14, 2021
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Party that has many jews and lezbo people. They tend to be gay lovers and nigger lovers.
Person #1: - Hey you are probably a perverted jew, in Sweden we have enought trouble. Go back to Israel and suck a camel will you?

Person #2: - You like to join? Dont pretend your not jewish, i saw you are the synagogue last week, screwing my brother.

Person #1: Ok, i have to admit it then since we might be family soon!

Person #2: Join us then, social democrat (Sweden) party rules! We truley fuck the people in the ass.

Person #1: Swedish people that is!
by Moderat April 8, 2009
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What the rest of the world calls social democracy. Much like American football, we’ve created our own definition. After years of political scientists cringing at misuse of the word, people are throwing their hands up, and accepting that in the US, socialism means something completely different than it does literally anywhere else.
Person 1: I thought socialists wanted to “seize the means of production.”
Person 2: Bernie advocates American democratic socialism. He doesn’t want any of that.
by Lamdba March 3, 2020
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When a person writes Democratic Republic is the Congo it means they want to fuck you
Friend 1: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Friend 2: You gay bro?
by _whiteboyal_ June 15, 2019
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A condition similar to blexit, in which a black democrat has an epiphany, realizing that the democratic party doesn't care about black people in America as much as it pretends to.
A democrat having an epiphany? Well the best examples I can think of are Leo Terell and Candace Owens
by Sexydimma May 2, 2021
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1. A politician who represents corporate interests and wealthy individuals rather than the interests of middle and working class Americans and chooses to run as a Democrat rather than Republican either because his state or district will not elect a Republican or he has convinced the wealthy he would do a better job protecting their money than the GOP alternative. 2. A Democrat who puts the interests of corporations and wealthy individuals ahead of the progressive ideals of the Democratic Party and ahead of even the success of the party as a whole. 3. A Democrat who calls himself a moderate when in fact he is an extremist in protecting moneyed interest and is to the right of the overwhelming majority of the American people and even his own constituents.
The difference between a Republican and a Blue Dog Democrat is the same as that between an Almond Joy and a Mounds. Republicans have nuts (religious & gun-toting racists), Blue Dogs don't.
by F Delano R September 10, 2009
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