Mostly used as an alternative to Heh, and sometimes as an alternative to Well.
Guy1: Heh, so I went there that night and slept there.
Guy2: Welp


Guy1: What's over there?
Guy2: Welp, it's my car.
by CKeen February 12, 2010
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A derivation of "Well..." used as a queue to change the subject.
Dave: oh man it was so nasty man, she kept me going hard
Frank: welp, I guess you had fun?
by J0hnny Br4v0 July 27, 2018
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the amazing way of saying well
"welp, i kinda like her"
by babe.lame January 8, 2017
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A word that was started on Facebook by Joe Berry (of Granite Bay) in 2007 and was originally geared as a subtle quote to the movie "Dumb and Dumber" as well as a joke to isolate the "P" sound that most people make when saying the word "Well." Since then, "welp" has now turned in to a huge Facebook phenomenon. There is rumors that Berry may be spreading it to Twitter as well, but only time will tell. Another side fact: Berry usually follows with the word "Montana" after a statement of "Welp."
"Welp.....Just sitting in this chair.....Montana."
by Sinpel Izza May 3, 2011
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person1:do you have anything to do tonight?
person2:welp....i don't know
by Andy Katny October 7, 2018
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short bearded scraggly lazy man/woman,looks busy but goofs off
Driving a dump truck around looks busy but the truck is empty. Carries around a card board box appearing to weigh 100 pounds but is actually empty.
Hey welp, can you help me lift this heavy item, Welp replies" no, Im busy carring this empty box around".
by William L October 4, 2006
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