Hip hop dance move for female, shaking, jerking and twitching her buttocks in a sexually provocative manner. A conjunction of twitch and jerk, or twerk.
That girl can sure twerk her butt. Major backfield motion!
by JiveClive July 13, 2011
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A Russian soup

I'm Russia a group of elderly men and women sit around a broken refrigerator. They all have a nice cup of warm twerk. The first one to finish gets another cup of twerk and the cycle keeps going on until the pot of twerk is gone. The person who gets the last bowl of twerk gets to use the bathroom first. This ritual is repeated every 2nd Sunday.
Wanna go and get a nice cup of twerk?
Okay do you have the broken refrigerator?
by Nodnarb alyak December 30, 2013
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a dance move that originated in the african american club , where you shake your ass to the rhyme of the beat...
nicki minaj is twerking over there while miley cyrus is just looking silly...
by jiggamane305 November 24, 2014
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In reference to the controversial hip hop dance motion, twerking (when one positions their back side to be the most prominant body part by squatting and arching the back, then quickly manipulating the hip joint repetatively causing the butt to shake quickly) TWERKED is the verb reference when someone who is twerking approaches another individual and directs their buttox up to the person and begins to twerk. The individual facing the dancers backside is then "being twerked".
"Dude, this hot chick came up to me on the dance floor and twerked me, then her boyfriend came and jacked me! I was just minding my business and SHE came and twerked ME - not my fault!"
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Twerking is the mating display of the female Africanus Americanus. When the female of the species goes into estrus, which is nearly continuous except for 1 week out of a lunar month, she "twerks" to signal her availability to males in the area and to display her sexual fitness.

In the display, the female arches her back and raises her buttocks into the air and gyrates the pelvis using quick, jerking motions, causing the tissue in the buttocks to jiggle and bounce in such a way that it moves separately from the pelvis itself.

The male of the species, upon seeing such a display, is compelled to approach the female, offering his genital region for the female to grind and jerk her buttocks against.

The display culminates when the female and a male go to a less public area to mate, such as a bathroom stall or the backseat of the male's 1989 Chevy Impala. The encounter is often brief, the male losing interest almost immediately after ejaculation. But the female, if her level of excitement is high, will often invite other nearby males join in and mate with her.

Her ability to handle males can be quite high. In the wild, females have been observed mating with groups of 20 males at the same time.

If successful, the female will give birth in 9 months, raising the child as a single parent in habitats known colloquially as "the projects". The child will stay with the female until he or she reaches adolescence, at which point it will begin to produce offspring of his or her own.
Tyrone: Yo, did you see LaQuiffa twerking that big ole booty of hers at da club last night?
Kershawn: Hells yeah I did. I got me some a dat sweet pootytang of hers in the backseat of Leroy's Impala, too.
by Digglersonn November 11, 2013
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A sacred, traditional practice originating from the Amhara tribe. The act of twerking occurs when one's legs move in such a way that causes the buttocks to resonate, connecting the participant with cosmic energy. It can be used as an act of communication and also can allow the user to communicate with the dead.
Shaquanda Goodson was having a rough day, so she decided that twerking in praise of her late grandmother in order to receive her guidance would be ideal.
by Twerk Thunder July 27, 2013
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