A shortening of "give it up one time for..." the intro to a performer. It's a celebratory term.
Whoa, we almost got caught! One time for Shanda's driving skills!
by Renette September 9, 2006
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In jail, when the policeman walks around the pod checking in every cell, inmates yell "one time" to alert the other inmates that the police are doing their rounds. This allows people smoking, drinking, etc. to put away their contrabad before the man arrives.
'ONETIIIME' shouted the inmate to his brothes smoking squares in his cell.
by John Clausen June 20, 2005
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One time is an expression used whenever you want something important to happen. That thing that you want to happen will usually be a game tipping act- should the thing you want to happen not happen, the night/game/whatever will end up far different than it would have should that thing have happened. It is a verb that expresses the desire for an action to occur.

It is used in hockey: a slap shot that comes directly off of a pass

It has shown up in movies and music: in the Little Giants this dialogue occurs:

Danny O'Shea: And even if those Cowboys are better than you guys, even if they beat you 99 times out of 100, that still leaves...

Tad: One time.

Rudy Zolteck: One time.

Junior Floyd: Smiles Yeah... one time!

2-Pac uses one time in his song "All About You."
1. A baseball game between the Angels and Yankees is tied 3-3 in extra innings. You want the Yankees to win. The Yankees are at bat and the bases are loaded. A-Rod steps up the the plate, when the pitch is delivered you scream "ONE TIME," because it will only take one hit for the game to be won by the Yankees. Should that hit not occur, the game will end up differently.

2. At a party, your friend is hitting on a girl he has long had a crush on. If he kisses this girl, and she accepts his kiss, he will end up hooking up with her- an obviously desirable outcome. He moves in, from across the room you scream "ONE TIME," she kisses back. They leave the party and go to his apartment.

3. A beirut game is tied with each team having 1 cup left each. You shoot the ping pong and scream "ONE TIME" as the ball flies through the air, because it will only take one cup to win.
by MGE11 October 18, 2009
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The start of every stupid story someone tells you.
by Rob April 18, 2005
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In los angeles, aprox. around the 1980's gangs used the expression to identify a police car with only "one" officer.
"One time, holmes" ahh dont trip dawg he aint gonna get out the car he's by himself.
by Slingin Ink Tattoos September 20, 2005
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what a gay guy says to an insisting female blow job
Come on baby, I know you're gay, but you're so hot! OK honey, but just one time.
by jsted April 29, 2011
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When you want to get on a fine hunny but you definitely won't want it when you're sober
"So I saw that girl at a party, woke up the next morning said 'ONE TIME' and bounced."
by Stan Podalak September 22, 2008
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