i think the book is better than the movie....i like the movie because of kirsten dunst...hehe...she is cute in this movie,isn´t she..??whatever...i adore anne rice!!
by akasha September 1, 2004
by archerlightningweb January 24, 2023
I threw my tie over my shoulder, pulled my shirt out of my pants, dropped trow and nutted one out. Stalled Interview at it's finest!
by Dollhands April 20, 2016
“hey, are you good at giving interviews?”
by fastestsperm_ April 20, 2020
When a company tells you they are going to give you an interview and months later they tell you that you didn't get the job without giving you the interview that they promised.
by newyy1 April 28, 2011
New pointed stiletto shoes, black with a red rim. Wanted by track but too exclusive. As only queen bellay is authed to wear them. Only come out on special occasions e.g. interviews and t.rex partys. Specialised walk required know as the shuffle.
by G Raff March 15, 2006
Shortly after two people start dating, (or when you first meet a friends partner) family and friends can choose to conduct a 'shotgun interview' to make sure the new partner is a suitable choice. Normally conducted when in a rocking chair with a shotgun on your lap for maximum effect.
by tadle October 3, 2014