Hairy, squat, laconic Nemesis of Superman
"Grundy hate Superman. Grundy want smash Superman. Grundy want pants, too."
by Tim February 7, 2004
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As per the King Solomon in the old testament. It is used to describe any man who has an unusual attraction to women from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Solomon was recorded to have 600 wives and 400 concubines from all over the world.

Any man, though especially jewish men, like King Solomon was, who are obsessed with women outside of their own race.
Man Mark never stops talking about his fascination with latinas, blacks, and asian girls. He definitly has the old "Solomon syndrome" All he ever talks about is how much he wishes he could bone them.
by Solomon_12345 December 1, 2009
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A man who wants some pants.
"Solomon Grundy want pants, too"
by Pr0ph3t November 20, 2003
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a group of islands in the pacific that are a battered nation. surprisingly, the world's colonizing powers left them alone until about 110 years ago, when the british took over. the nation is significant, though forgotten, as being the home of guadalcanal and other brutal wwii battles. since independence, the nation has been involved in periodic civil wars. as a result, the militaries of austrialia and new zealand are the only thing keeping this country afloat right now.
the solomon islands are in the pacific.
by Ben E. Hama February 1, 2007
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Arguably the best battle rapper in history, destroys his opponents with lines that are obviously not pre-written, he addresses the previous verse(see the shirt-n-tie battle, when he disses critical). His punchlines often have the other rappers giving him daps mid-rhyme He is often overlooked because he is overweight(he'll admit it), white, and wears glasses
In Iron solomon's his battle against Math:
"Fuck Math, I'll get my vengeance with words
Sentences, verbs and paragraphs,
If I'm Slim Shady, i guess there will be nothing After-Math "
by Steady killer July 27, 2009
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Dividing something impossible to divide into two parts. From the Biblical story of King Solomon trying to ascertain the mother of a baby and suggesting that he be split into two, one half for each putative mother. 1 Kings 3:16-28
The partition of Palestine in 1947 was an example of a Solomonic split.
by cbb1377 April 26, 2016
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Someone that takes it too far.
Conor - ''ya dancer know that young boy? well he's just bought the big motor off me. Sweeeet sweeet sale!
Andrew - Sugaryyy sweetnesss!
Matthew - sugarry with gooodness!
Conor - ''too far''
by ConzoAndyMatt December 7, 2011
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