upon withdrawl of the penis from the anal cavity, the inner lining of the rectum protrudes externally, forming a sock around the penis.
"As I ripped my cock out of her ass, I noticed a poop sock hanging between her butt cheeks."
by shitlockers September 21, 2007
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When you drop a coke bottle on the floor and it spills everywhere like a rocket on the floor, and in spills all over your nice new socks it’s a poop sock from it’s brown color
Hey Amanda why did you give me poop socks!
by Anonymous True Person December 1, 2018
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A sock where one stores poop to hide from Mommy and or Daddy. Thesebare normally found under a bed in a drawer are in ones matress
Mommy found my poop sock

I hid my poop sock in my pillow case
by TheEpicPoopDealer June 13, 2019
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When Ali-a sneaks in your house and poops in your sock
Omg I just got hit by a Ali-a poop sock
by Sorbic April 13, 2020
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A strip of the large intestines, usually worn as a knee high sock.
1. "I want to violate your rusty poop sock! <3"
2. "I'm going to rip out your rusty poop sock, you fucker!"
by Gee-Off April 4, 2008
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when mommy finds the poop sock, it is devastating. you can never come back from the scolding that can come from finding the poop sock. you will be brought to town central and burned at the stake in front of everyone u love and called a witch for your sorcery of the poop sock.
by Biome of Rec Room October 17, 2019
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A devastating event in which your mother finds the sock that you use when you are out of toilet paper and you have to take a SHIT. The poop sock is a sock that you shit in when you dont have toilet paper
When mom finds the poop sock is exactly what it sounds like

John - Dude, my life is fucking over

Connor - Let me guess, your mom found the poop sock when you ran out of toilet paper again?
by skywar1514 January 23, 2020
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