When a girl slaps you in the face with her boobs to the Harlem Shake song.
Hey anonymous stripper, I'll take one Harlem Milk Shake please.
by Your name is already... April 4, 2013
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When a Man ejaculates in a Womans vagina during intercorce while the female is on her period and eats her out after.
Dude.. i so totaly had a strwberry milk shake the other night!!!!
by Mike Davis April 10, 2005
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When a man ejaculates in a women's vagina when she is on his menstrual period. On occasion oozes out which has a pink color from the sperm mixing with the blood.
Let me nut in ya pussy on your period and make strawberry milk shake ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
by Bignewb November 9, 2018
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Having anal sex with a woman from behind while she is breast feeding a baby or another adult.
I gave the wife the Chocolate Milk Shake while she was feeding the kid.
by joneebravo June 8, 2009
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Person: "I want a shake made out of milk and other things. I think I will make a milk shake."
by Evil October 19, 2003
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