One of the most misunderstood areas of our nation. Settled in 1638, the island consists of 4 counties, Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk. Brooklyn and Queens are Boroughs of New York City and are therefore not generally considered part of Long Island.
If you are "dissing" Long Island and you are from Long Island, you are most likely from Nassau County, a stale, bizarre, and overdeveloped area full of strip malls and busy highways. It is the quintessential Long Island stereotype and unfortunately gives the rest of Long Island a bad name. If youre "dissing" Long Island and are not from Long Island, youre probably a young person from the midwest now living a hip lifestyle in New York City. You have never really been to Long Island, except maybe a friends parents home in Nassau County.
Most of Suffolk County is still very rural and has maintained much of its historical character and charm, though the integrity of these self-sustaining villages are constantly threatened by the encroaching Nassau County. Suffolk County is more like an area of New England as far as its towns and villages go. It is a very relaxing area and home to a plethora of outdoor opportunities and is a place full of culture and historical value for those who seek it.
It's very easy to write off Long Island as a suburban wasteland, and as a matter of fact...keep doing it because its getting too crowded for the people who love it here. :)
Nassau County gives the rest of Long Island a bad name.
by T. Bell February 19, 2006
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An island that is 125 miles in length and located right out side of NYC. It consists of nassau county (which borders NYC's borugh of Queens) and Suffolk County. It is primarlly known for the beaches of Nassau county and the yocals of Suffolk county.
Whenever I feel letting getting away from nyc, I visit the beaches in long island.
by toast455 July 7, 2005
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I'm from Long Island so I trust me on all of this stuff

-a lot of people in long island are 'gheto' and 'gangsta', actually scratch that, everyone from long island falls under one of these categories

-I'm a new yorker cause i live in new york CITY. and the state, you fucktards. i think i would know, i live here.
-the few people who aren't ghetto and gangsta are absolutely loaded white people
-everyone is homosexual, so get over it. seriously, there are gay people here, we practically created homosexuality.
-i have to admit, we have shitty beaches..
-long island is upstate, thats just retarted to disputed.
-all long islanders have the mentality that we're better then everywhere else. If you can't deal with it then you should just move here
-all the girls are bitches
-everyone here is stupid, why is this even a question, are you reading what I am writing

-if you want to stop being inferior to gangsta, rich white stupid homosexual black people from the city in upstate NY and meet bitches then just move to long island already
person 1) I'm from Long Island man.
person 2) Hey that's the shittiest part of NYC
by longIslandOGhomo4Life December 18, 2013
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A dreary, 125 mile long sandbar that is home to some of the stupidest, most boorish rich idiots in the known universe.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you might be marooned on dreary Long Island.
by WildCardSteve July 21, 2007
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A big tract of suburban h*ll east of NYC. Known for its abundance of guido f*ggots who invade Manhattan on the weekends and turn formerly hot clubs like Marquee and Lotus into B&T wastelands. People who live in "the City" (i.e. Manhattan, not Brooklyn/Queens, etc.) look down on people from Long Island as uncultured suburban tools that dilute Manhattan nightlife or pretty much anything else they manage to get their hair-gel stained, grubby hands on. Long Islanders wish they could live in Manhattan, but can't afford it so they pretend they hate Manhattan and have a lot of "Long Island Pride".
A bunch of guido douchebags from Long Island sporting blowout haircuts, XS Armani Exchange t-shirts, thick gold chains, and ugly-ass jeans from American Eagle stroll up to Cain/Pink Elephant, etc. The bouncer takes one look and announces to them that the club will be full for the next 2 years.

Me: How the f*ck did the B&Ters from Long Island find out about Cain? It's only been 1 month! Better start spreading the word that the Long Island plague is on its way...

by PK811 July 16, 2006
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you live "ON" Long Island... not "in" it
"yo, I have to go to my grandma's house this weekend all the way in Long Island.. it's gonna suck so much."
"dude, you mean 'on Long Island'.. get it right."
by yourbiiggestfan September 4, 2011
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Most expensive, cold(figuratively), and unfriendly place on Earth. I mean if you're walking around VERY RARELY anyone says "Hello" or "Hi" to you. If you try to say hello people cry "sexual harassment." Driving here especially in the summer near the Hamptons, expect to get into an accident because people drive like they had 30 cups of coffee, plus a hit of crack. Finally houses here are really expensive, a piece of shit 4 room shack would cost you $500,000+. So if you're looking for a nice inexpensive place with friendly people to live, stay the fuck away from Long Island, or New York for that matter, try the rest of the United States or even the world.
In my 17 3/4 years on Long Island, I always wanted to get the fuck outta here, or kill myself, or both.
by Rhambi November 1, 2007
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