not a girls name.

Prestons middle name.

d00d. stfu. isn't that like the coolest word to pronounce? it's all.... stooofoooo.... yus. so. like, the other day, i was at the grocery store and this dude walked up to me and said, "thats not a carburator, thats my wife!" O___O LYKE, OMFG! LAMAR! XDD foshizzle.
by Sen October 3, 2004
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(n)The most pointless college ever founded.
why am i at lamar? its the most pointless college ever founded
by xare September 15, 2003
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A school in arlington texas that has educated several olympic stars.

But as of late, the school in education, sports and fine arts is in a decline due to the new principal, Mr. Provence, and several other new teachers and all the damn rent-a-cops.
My last year in Lamar was hell. Mr. Provence is a dumbass!
by Wulfy November 10, 2007
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The first name of assistant principle Lamar Bone
This is assistant Principle Lamar Bone....
by Wrexsoul January 22, 2005
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The name originates from Lamar Smith a man obsessed with controlling the Internet.

1. The belief that censoring the Internet is a good thing.
2. An obsession with controlling and stalking Internet users and fighting internet "piracy".
3. A belief that supports idiotic bills such as ACTA/SOPA/PIPA and PCIP.
An example of Lamarism

"Any site with a single picture should be sued and removed by the government, because the government has always been trust worthy and would never be bought by companies!"
by tricia_the_fifth January 21, 2012
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