Jotaro Kujo is the protagonist of part three of the anime and manga series Jojo's bizarre adventure. He is an asshole of giant capacities, who hits bad guys more than he needs to when using the attack rush of his gay imaginary friend, Star Platinum. This attack rush is commonly known as OraOraOra or the asspounder.
Friend: -beats up poor doggo-
Me: "Man, you're such a Jotaro Kujo."
Friend: "..."
Friend's gay imaginary friend: "OraOraOra!"
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The act of a minimum of 8 males simultaneously penetrating one another in a circle. The act occurs like the wave going around a football stadium as they take turns thrusting in a circle.
I walked in on kujo in his room just kujoing with 7 of his homosexual friends.
by notkujo May 22, 2013
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An absolute machine bare knuckle fighter mush who bench presses me braithwate for fun he is also Oliver hare
Kujo bruiser just jumped me, I have 7 broken bones I don’t know how i survived
by -XDDDDD- February 11, 2020
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The man the myth the legend the gypsy king ain’t nobody stopping Oliver hare
kujo bruiser is coming I need to be careful or I’ll die
by Kujo bruiser February 11, 2020
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