Noun. Word used to describe almost anything when the speakers brain is not able to work as fast as the speakers mouth.
You know...the jobbie with the things on it!!!

No, no, no, not that, the jobbie, get that fucking jobbie thing.
by Charlie007 October 21, 2004
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Doing some type of work (activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result) without getting paid. Therefore, you don't want to do it and borderline want to slap whoever asked you to do such a thing.
Getting up to get the remote is jobby.

Taking her out for dinner is really jobby.
by P3.14 May 16, 2016
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A job so wonderful, it's more like a hobby.
Jane loves her Jobby, because she is an ice cream taster.
by little-miss can't do wrong September 11, 2011
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"Aww man, i need a jobby"
"What do you mean you lost the car ya jobby!'
by Jonathan "Jc" Currie April 13, 2004
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A short and pleasurable experience in which one pays another for a hand or blow job
"Give me a quick jobby, bro!"

"Man, I could really use a jobby right now!"
by GoyBoi3000 September 7, 2018
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Contrary to popular belief, the lexeme of Jobbie doesn't have anything to do with defecating. A jobbie can be a thing or place.
1) I am trying to jimmy this jobbie open, but this jobbie won't jimmy. (OR, in ordinary English: I'm trying to pry this thing open, but this thing won't be pried.)
2) I'm all alone in this jobbie,
No one knows if I'm nice or snobby... (rhyming couplet)
by Agent Chainsawlady March 9, 2004
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Runny man-babies after devouring garlic curry
ah pure jobbied ma'sel' efter ma curry ya jobby
by Stig of the dump August 2, 2003
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