A more mild mannered way of saying cunt, wanker ........
Duncan you're such a fucking jewbag
by jhs5ph March 14, 2007
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An extremely cheap person who goes to ridiculous extents to not spend money.
Person A: Did you see that guy in Goodwill switching the cheap tags to the more expensive stuff ?

Person B: Yeah, what a jewbag
by AP2010 January 3, 2010
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1. The act of charging $25 instead of $20 for a gram of cannabis.
2. Hitlers favorite past time
1. Yo your jewbagging me on this man! I only have $20!
2.mine fuehr is vredy tu go juicebagging?
by Jake Mtinez February 26, 2016
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an exclamatory expressing joy, anger, or any other emotion that may be dwelling inside oneself.
also a noun for a stupid friend
(while playing ultimate frisbee, the frisbee gets thrown onto the roof)"Jewbag!!!!!!!!!"
by jacob k. May 18, 2006
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person who openly makes fun of his jewish religion, also has to wear a barmitzfa
the boy made fun of the jews even though he is wearing a barmitzfa, what a jewbag
by cjn. May 23, 2008
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Commonly referred to as nathan or omnxbeast, this strange creature likes penis and dildos. Very rare, with a bad temper especially when playing basketball. Also a very big gamer.
by Landon Summers February 25, 2009
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