A person at your local rock climbing gym who brags and constantly brings up other people's failures and their own small accomplishments in order to make themselves feel better. Brags and makes others feel sorry for even participating in this amazing sport. Most of the time is a male.

The Gloating Douche bag Rock Climber does not brag by choice. He needs to brag in order to sexually arouse himself because he has no confidence in himself unless he his gloating.

Often extremely insecure and rarely gets laid.

Often uses terms like "fag, donkey balls, knob gobbler, scrotum sucker, gay, and homo" to belittle others while simultaneously hinting that they are confused about their own sexuality.
Gloating Douche Bag Rock Climber: Hey I think I'm the BEST in the climbing club out of everybody that just started. They all suck donkey balls except for me. I'm better than you too. Aren't I?? Aren't I??

Person: Yes you climb very well, the others are climbing well too.

Gloating Douche bag: What the fuck fag!? I'm like 10 times better than you, You can't climb half the shit I climb, you're so gay! I'm the Best you cock juggler!

Person: Rock climbing is about having fun and being the best you can be; not about comparing yourself to others to arouse yourself. you are a disgrace to the sport. Goodbye.

Gloating Douche bag: Fuck yeah I'm the best. Better masturbate in the gym's bathroom before this boner goes away!
by Zeus717 February 18, 2011
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When a person watching television with others gets to control the remote.
The dad gets the remote gloat now.
by Ereck Flowers May 3, 2019
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Orgin - Anilyst; Referring to the highest possible status rewarded within the Familyst movement. When the term "greatest of all time" (Goat) does not accurately describe.
This title carries almost as much weight and recognition as the Gloat Balls themselves.

To many, this exceeds the well known "legendary legend of all legends" despite the minimum biccytymie requirement to achieve such ranking
by Familyst September 20, 2020
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GLOAT : Greatest Loser Of All Time

(originated from irritation at a Subaru advert focused on GOOAT,

the "Greatest Outback Of All Time," an obvious ripoff of GOAT -

"Greatest Of All Time.," being compared to a mountain goat)

Someone with an IQ/ability inversely proportional to his actual
IQ/ability (ref: "E & B syndrome" and WOMBAT) who has somehow,
despite ALL "common sense," managed to procure a position of some
eminence and power and taken advantage of it to TOTALLY cock up
something under his control which adversely affects thousands
(more likely millions) of people whose descendants will likely
suffer from it for at least 13 generations.
It applies equally well to ANY level of idiocy, from a Hyacinth
type organizing committee chair bringing peanuts as a snack for a
child's day social event - focusing on ALLERGIES - at a local
children's hospital to a top-level politician because of religious
differences with another country's atheist vice-president.
"Wouldn't it be proof of karma if the GLOAT who dreamt up the cola
wars died choking on a Pepsi bottle cap while crossing the street
in front of a speeding Coke delivery van?"
by OzoneBoy February 27, 2021
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Gloat is the term used for the process of releif from the feeling of taking a dump (defaction) as if it almost disappears. Biologically it is the dilation of the muscles surrounding your colon and around your rectum.
Mother asked me how much longer i can hold it in, i said it's fine i have gloated
by S2UPID July 9, 2022
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"You ever heard of the rapper Anilyst? He's definitely a gloat!"
by December 17, 2020
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Gloat (G.L.O.A.T)
Greatest Love of All Time

True love 🤍❤
He is my GLOAT and I am his.
by Betterwords October 3, 2021
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