Gay homo code for "I want two fat furry lesbians to buttfuck me in the ass"
Person: I forgor 💀
The Two Furry Lesbians: Ur a thirsty one!
Person: Nooo that's rape
(He was never to be seen again)
by ComedyShortsGamer69420 July 23, 2021
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A term gay people use. it usually means “Spread my cheeks apart and lick the *peanut butter*”
gay pornstar: i forgor
gay pornstar2: say no more
*proceeds to turn the sheets brown*
by NxMuRdA July 27, 2021
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a retarded way to say 'I forgot'
'What do you think about my new hat'
'I forgor'
by doarmon July 15, 2021
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