A mix between fantastic and fabulous. It's extremely gay and annoying. Don't use this word. Ever.
Gay Dude- The Jonas Brothers are so FANTABULOUS!

Normal Dude- Just... Stop talking. Please.
by StonedEmoKid February 9, 2010
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A hybrid of the words 'fabulous' and 'fantastic' for when neither of them are enough by them selves
holy shit you look fantabulous
by Meady October 6, 2003
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Coming from the words fantastic and fabulous, to create a word to describe something out of this world
-wow that performance was fantabulous
-what a fantabulously good job you did on that exam
by Anthony Kitching October 11, 2004
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an adjective for something simply AMAZING! it's a mixture of the words "fabulous" and "fantastic".

"OMIGOSH! that dance was FANTABULOUS!"
"that paper you wrote was simply fantabulous!"

fantabulous fabulous fantastic awesome great fun amazing
by zoethezebra February 8, 2009
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A combination of the words fabulous and fantastic, utilized almost exclusively by homosexual men.
John: "What do you think of my new T.V.?"
Bruce: "O.M.G. it's fantabulous!"
John: "Okay, I'm returning it."
Bruce: "Why!?"
John: "Because I get the sudden feeling that it's staring at my ass now."
by thefirstten October 9, 2011
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When something is fantastic and fabulous but you can't use just one word to describe it.
"How are you??"
"I am Fantabulous!!"
by *~*Ford_Girl*~* July 29, 2009
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Fantabulous should only be used by true glamour gilrs! This word conveys a sence of style mixed with excitment and the ability to reach beyond the simple idea of ONLY being fantasic or fabulous.
Welcome to my fantabulous world!!
by Renata Vazquez July 12, 2006
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