To get yeeted in the opposite direction of your skateboard after trying to land a trick
Dude I almost landed an Ollie but I got conked
by 420mclovin69 August 26, 2022
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Yo that nigga over there conked

I'm finna conk
by Fatdongmcgee September 23, 2019
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A word used to describe something that is incredibly glitchy. The glitches can be intentional or unintentional, but if it is glitchy to the point where it is broken, it is conk.
'Did you play that level everyone's been talking about? It was really conk.'
'I played Big Rigs the other day, that game was really conk.'
by Lowonk June 24, 2020
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a very large but wrinkled and unattractive dick. usually as a result of too much jacking off
his cock is huge, too bad its a conk! haha
by mister smiles March 3, 2009
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