a) noun: an intense period of condo building and/or relevant building demolition in order to make room for future condos in a given neighborhood, city, town or municipality.

b) verb: (to): to multiply exponentially or at an alarming/threatening rate
Montreal, Canada is now, seemingly in the middle of a real paradoxical condo-shroom, the condo-shroom paradoxically picking up pace despite the legal challenges by The Charbonneau Commission to the spiel of the conscruption-industry.
by Sexydimma July 2, 2014
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A neighborhood made up mostly or entirely of high-rise residential buildings, so called because the buildings along both sides of a major street resemble the walls of a canyon.
The West End used to be single-family houses; now, with all of the development, it's turned into Condo Canyon.
by Doctor Whom May 24, 2005
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a fucking game where you can have e sex in
oh yea want to have condo sex on condos roblox
by voklp July 23, 2022
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A game where 8 year olds go to have sex with 30 year old men
by craftian99 August 22, 2020
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1.A condominium made out of latex.
2. What you get when you misread a condom wrapper.
Abe Simpson:Latex condo. Boy I'd like to live in one of those!
by Netmaster5k January 5, 2005
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condo care is also known as C C they are a small group of men and women who do illegal activities they gather in large mobs and take over large areas
by joe308yarm June 7, 2011
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(Idiomatic): A state of mind and the only way to play Survivor; “full tilt boogie
So did I club condo at the sanctuary?

You could club condo at the sanctuary. I don’t know whether you did or not.

Oh, I did.
by Argenis HM May 7, 2023
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