users at the ign boards who used suck each others cock and play "find the cock in my ass"; these users include spideyman04, fullfool, ImBobbo, Bull-Dog, minigurl and Tal-IGN.; if ever confronted by these users cover your genitals and RUN!
OMG! those mutha fucking cock sucking faggots just tried to suck my dick!

I need an adult!!!!!!!!!
by spideyman04 March 17, 2005
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a tv remote controller shoved up a chicken or bull dogs anus while twisting his ear and jacking it off while simotanisly pooring lubricant and putting bananas in his other ear and making him eat glue while shooting him up with heroin in his dick
Im going to rusian cock burrito fucking with or without a lone legged chicken my long fellow dog named sparky.
by Shitholeofalabama December 9, 2007
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Combined multi functional words that cover all and above of the typical slut (Male or Female).
That Mother Fucking Cock Sucking Handjobing Bitch slept with my lover!
by Nobody April 13, 2005
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1) The King of cursing in my book. To be used in moments of extreme pain or frustration. This curse is most often heard after a man smashes his finger with a hammer. It must be pronounced in a single breath and with a good sense of rythem.
2) A person you do not wish to see right now.
1) -"cock-sucking-mother-fucking-son-of-a-bitch!"
-"you ok?"
-"I just shot the nail gun through my temple!"
2)George Bush
by REV. Smitty February 24, 2005
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What you say when you're trying to be edgy.
kid: "cum sucking shit fucking cock-juggling thundercunt."
me: "Stop trying to be edgy no one cares."
by Dubiks August 31, 2018
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Some one who genuinely has no fucking clue how to live life with out being being an absolute disappointment to everyone on earth whether they know them or not
"Hey Gary, did you see that cock gobbling tit fucking nut tugging piece of shit try to ask out Stacey to prom using pokemon cards like a retarded nerd"
by TheeSteelNutt April 2, 2020
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Someone who is really too lazy for their own good.
Also, MixableBean's identical twin brother.

LFC: Hey hand me that paper.
MB: It is two inches away from you, you lazy fucking cock.
As a pro noun.

ie: Have you met my brother Lazy Fucking Cock?
by Heathen is High February 12, 2022
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