When a particular actor/musician/performer pollutes a project with celebrity cameos to the point where it overshadows the work itself. This is done out of a true desire to collaborate or more commonly as a shameless cash-in to draw a bigger audience.
Guy 1: Did you see that new Beastie Boys video? Has Will Ferrel, Jack Black, Seth Rogan and a ton of others.

Guy 2: Yeah it was pretty good but holy cow what a cameo cash-in! And I thought Pauly Shore Is Dead was a big cameo cash-in...

Guy 1: You're right. They could have done it without them to the same effect.
by ajgenard May 15, 2011
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(n.) - The fact or state of something being at least visible in society, even if not everyone knows about it yet.
"You know, even if nobody has heard of my ideas for safer bike lanes yet, I hope that they can at least achieve a small degree of cameo visibility this century."

-- overheard at a watercooler at a national conference for
designers and inventors in San Francisco
by PRwiz101 January 16, 2011
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as a noun, 1) a delicately carved relief on a jewel or plaque 2) a specific type of jeweler who creates personalized cameos 3) a neutral or offensive, depending on the situation, term for people that are physically healthy, but of a very pale skin complexion, kind of like Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series. 4) a specialized jewelery store/business where personalized cameos are produced 5) an offensive term for a female who is so emotionally sensitive that she will literally start crying and faint at the site of a bouquet of flowers (sort of like Marie Antoinette's friend the Princesse de Lamballe)

as a proper female name, 1) short for either Cameron (as in Cameron Diaz) or Carmen (as in Carmen Electra)
two people in conversation:

person a) my sister is an art student. she wants to be a cameo later, maybe open her own cameo place.

person b) your sister is already is already a cameo.. She looks like, I dare say, a female version of Draco Malfoy

person a): lol. you forgot to mention that my sister's name is Carmen and her friends call her Cameo.
by Sexydimma June 25, 2012
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1) a delicately carved relief on a jewel or plaque

2) a specific type of jeweler who creates personalized cameos

3) a neutral or offensive, depending on the situation, term for people that are physically healthy, but of a very pale skin complexion, kind of like Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series.

4) a specialized jewelery store/business where personalized cameos are produced

5) an offensive term for a female who is so emotionally sensitive that she will literally faint at the site of a bouquet of flowers (sort of like Marie Antoinette's friend the Princesse de Lamballe)

6) (as a proper female name) short for either Cameron (as in Cameron Diaz) or Carmen (as in Carmen Electra)
two people in conversation:

person a) my sister is an art student. she wants to be a cameo later, maybe open her own cameo place.

person b) your sister is already is already a cameo.. She looks like, I dare say, a female version of Draco Malfoy

person a): lol. you forgot to mention that my sister's name is Carmen
by Sexydimma October 26, 2012
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“Cameo” is a synonym for
word “camo” that became a trend after a fan had misspelled it in iJustine’s “iPhone SE Photo Challenge” video.
Wear anything cameo.
I love cameo t-shirts.
by Nikitoo May 17, 2020
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A short appearance in something, a player ass dude, cool, calm, laid back
by King202191 November 23, 2021
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