In game, bushwacker is a guy or girl runs around with a knife killing everyone they see while stalking them. It may also be a person in a guinea suit running around killing people and camping .
That god dam camping bushwacker !
by BloodyIrish 115 December 2, 2016
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a sexual act in which the man clips the girls pubic hair and then snorts off of her belly along with cocaine while watching sex and the city (all while being sexually intertwined)
"Oh dude last night I was doing a double kangaroo scissor-kick" said Wayne Gretsky, "Oh thats nothing, I Vaginal Bushwacked my step sister" said Rachel Ray.
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A wallet containing a bank card, ID and a condom.
I'm gonna have to go home, I forgot my Bushwackers Survival Kit.
by whoknewyouknew January 28, 2013
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After I busted in her mouth she bushwacked me!
by skeettron February 22, 2016
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When you have sex with a guy with a hairy bush.
His dick was so long I didn't even mind being bushwacked for it.

God, don't have sex with Bob. He's a bushwacker.
by Erok_Hasunoga January 10, 2018
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The act of flossing ones teeth on the pubic hair of a fat cooch while eating it
I gave that fat girl last night a louisiana bushwacker
by Levister January 14, 2023
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