A people who migrate to the south because there are more jobs, a stronger economy, better food, and better weather. They also insist on bringing their loud, rude, arrogant, ways with them all the while complaining that home was so much better. They are in a perpetual frantic rush. They talk very fast. They refuse to assimilate to southern culture but expect southerners to do things their way. They are horrible drivers. They do not give firm hand shakes. In the North eye contact is considered a threat.They find the word "Ya'll" offensive but use the word "Youse" in the exact same context. They are tacky dressers. Women have teased hair and outfits that southerners let go of in the 80's. Men rarely open doors for women. Men wear gold jewelry, loafers, and slacks but look down on southerners for wearing boots and jeans. They don't want to live in the South for fear of being "Land-Locked" but many don't swim. They hate Country music because they have no idea what Real Country Music is. Yankees think pick-up trucks and those that drive them are ignorant. They can't conceive that some one might want to drive a pick-up simply because they don't want to drive a car. They don't know that traditionally the term "Red Neck" is a compliment. They don't know the difference between a Red Neck, White Trash, and a Good Ol' Boy or which one a Guido is closely related to. There is no such thing as Northern pride and therefore they can't even begin to understand Southern pride.
Did you see that guy tailgating me at 90 miles an hour? He drives like a Yankee.
by L612 February 25, 2010
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The best team ever. Count the trophies. AND defenitely better than the Red Suck.
The Yankees won 26 world championships.
by da mag May 12, 2006
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1. Any persons from a northern state, who takes it upon themselves to put down southern states (and southern residents) by making illogical comments.
2. A loud mouth who can't resist that urge to put down southern states by using out-dated stereotypes and offensive terms.
1. "This new dick head at school must be a yankee"
2. " I thought I heard a pissed off bird, but it was just a Yankee squawking about The South, which ironically is where they just moved to."
by 3xRRR March 1, 2008
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An arrogant, dickhead, stuck up liberal from New England.
fuckthesouth dot com was made by the typical Yankee I describe above. Southerners are the only true Americans. We're laid back, friendly, and we don't give a shit about politics. And we don't like our hard earned money to be thrown away to crack addicts. The only reason we don't like Yankees, is because their rude. Also, The South is the most visited place in the USA. Not up there in New England. (Louisiana is the 2nd most visited state by tourists, and Florida is 3rd. Look it up sometime.)
by I Heart Grunge April 24, 2006
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Baseball team from NY. They have "won" 26 rings, but they still suck. They didn't win them. They bought them. Brian Cashman and the organization do their best to buy every slugger/steroid-user on the market. But even with all those sluggers, they lack team chemistry. And a decent pitching staff.

As for the fans, they are the worst types of fans in any sport (Cowboys fans close at 2nd). They're the team bandwagoners love to cheer for (especially because NY has so much money). They are very egotistical, stupid, and classless. The only things they can say are:

"Red Sox suck"
"26 rings"

But they fail to realize that their past accomplishments don't mean shit now. They haven't won a ring since 2000, while the Sox have won 2 since then.

Yankee fans can keep on gloating about their 26 rings for now. But soon, their "loyal fans" will probably ditch them once their team continues to spend more and do worse.
by evand1991 September 8, 2008
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A group of people that I can honestly say I am, in fact, not jealous of. They seem to be perfectly willing to display their desperation for material possessions and total lack of self-confidence in that they need to fabricate it by way of owning big things to attract your attention away from their small package, which was most likely caused by the steroids many of them use.

And yeah, I'm a Sox fan. Problem is, you can't really refute what I say by saying I'm biased, because I admit the Sox are barely better-almost all athletes are shallow, materialistic assholes. But you notice the Sox are the ones actually taking some care of their fans and not charging $1250 a seat.

Pull your heads out, Yankees; in the end it doesn't matter if you're good or not. You're not curing cancer, you're just playing a sport.
The Yankees may have won more championships, but they're also brilliant choke artists. Man it's fun watching people hop on and off the bandwagon on a game-to-game basis based on if ARod can very gayly knock a ball out of a baseman's hand and expect it to work or not.
by DoesItReallyMatterSeriously January 12, 2010
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The greatest franchise in sports history. Fans of this team respect the game of baseball and find no need to speak about the sexual prefferences of members of opposing teams. Fans of this team know what it is to win and thus know how to react to winning, unlike stupid non sports fans who claim they love the red sox.
Yankees rule, for once SHUT UP Boston
by George S. April 19, 2006
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