Wobbing is the act of taking large quantities of dextromethorphan, which is the active ingredient in leading OTC cough syrups. It comes from the sound many people hear under the influence of dextromethorphan. Wob, wob, wob, wob.
1. Did you see Carl drink all that cough syrup? He must be WOBBING balls!

2. I think we should WOB tonight!
by Linde Werdelin June 15, 2011
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The act of sexually pleasing ones self/or another to the sounds of Dubstep.
Jack: Dude, me and Jane tried wobbing last night. It was intense.

Lee: Niceee !
by LoveSicKWAR November 13, 2011
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a verb meaning anything you want. leaving people deeply confused at the real meaning of your sentence. the possibilities are inevitable.
I was wobbin with my nigga's last night.

I wanna wob, right now!

I'll wob till death.
by lexychapsticks April 3, 2011
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When a friend puts on a ridiculous amount of weight in a short space of time, giving them an extra layer of fat around the thighs, belly, hips and tits that "wobbles" as it moves, movement is especially erratic during running, the wobble being abbreviated to wobs.
"Hey did you see Liam the other night, he's been on some crazy diet of cheeseburgers, fries and boiled eggs, but he never hits the gym. He's got the wobs now."
by Ciaran J Weijers September 15, 2007
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When Penelope and Tarquin were glamping at the Boomtown festival they made sure to get the wobs in.
It's the main currency used at that particular event.
by Jasperion February 23, 2018
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Word Of Brandon. Used to signify everything that is said by Brandon Sanderson at signings or cons and therefore is canon.
Is there a WoB on hoid mating with stick?
by LegacyAscendant July 1, 2019
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A flabby part of a french or english bulldogs face, next to their mouths.
by french bulldog lover November 12, 2013
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