When people tell you you resemble Zac Efron and you also have a VAC ban on Steam.
Hey, what's your name?
- My name's VAC Efron

- Because people tell me I resemble Zac Efron and I'm also VAC banned.
by VAC Efron May 8, 2020
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when a person sucks up the crack rocks with their pipe like a vacuum.
“i’m busting out the crack vac to get those crumbs, yo!!”
by Annoeljames313 May 15, 2021
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3 nude males release bodily fluids into a large mixing bowl. The first person defecates, the second urinates and the third ejaculates. Now here is the fun part! To decide who vacuums the up the waste three players get nude and whoever has the shortest penis is the loser and must suck up the contents of the mixing bowl using a short length of rubber hose. Engine noises are a must whilst performing this most degrading act.
Jason: Hey Ken and Brendon i have a brand new mixing bowl, would you two like to perform the vac truck?

Ken: ok, why not?

Brendon: as long as it doesn't involve dick measuring comp....
by Frank Fontain June 12, 2019
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can be used as a verb or noun
its short for burning vacuum. its when you shit and it smells like a burning vacuum
ive been burn vacking all day. my whole house smells like a burnt vacuum
by BDANGLES February 22, 2011
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When a girl is that big of a slut, shes sucking dick like a shop vac. Or when you suspect a guy using a shop vac in order to fulfill his needs
Whoa, shes a shopvac.....or.....Hey shopvac, did it cut ur dick off last night?
by airj56 April 10, 2005
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Damn, dude I going get Vac banned for burning down That pre-school
by Minechief April 11, 2021
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Verb: to Wet Vac someone, to be Wet Vac'd.

A sexual act where one utilizes a straw to suck-up the juices secreted from the vagina; like a wet vac sucks up moisture from a carpet.
Dude, that chick was so sloppy I had to Wet Vac that bitch.


Last night my girl was so wet I couldn't eat her out, so I Wet Vac'd her instead.
by TRexSloppySucker October 11, 2010
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