VSCO it supper cringe calling yourself VSCO is just weird Ik it an app in its self but what do you do with it add filter to pictures... you can do the on Instagram or Snapchat, lol. And if you don’t want people to like your pictures don’t post them you don’t need to.... like Ik it’s the basic bitch thing to call yourself VSCO now but I think it’s a peace of shit lol ok bye......
by Random “Human” August 23, 2019
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a vsco girl is very basic.They have scrunches, Vans, crocs, puca shell necklaces and a hydroflask
by FruitLaverne August 18, 2019
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If u want to know if a girl likes you. Shoot her a cute text and then check her Vsco
by How to get the girl August 17, 2018
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the only social media where it’s okay to not be okay
i love vsco.
by s.m.i.l.e June 4, 2018
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vsco, the one place where girls can post what they want w/o having to worry about numbers. the place where gals can have fun & relax. saturday’s might be for the boys, but vsco is for the girls.
vsco makes me so happy, i can do whatever the heck i want man
by teslaj June 21, 2018
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VSCO is a photo editing app that most Instagram users use. This app is used by most basic white chicks to make their photos look "Instagram Worthy", whatever that sh*t means.
I see the world through my VSCO-colored lenses.

This meal would look better on the M5 filter, wouldn't it, Jess?
by d33znut5 August 31, 2015
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the official app for girls to express themselves with artsy pics and being creative. Also so the guys check their vsco with cute sayings about their bfs and crushes.
Girl 1: Why did he cheat on me. Why are guys such jerks? Why do I need to be single.
Girl 2: That goes straight to vsco
by summerknowsbest July 2, 2018
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